Your Ego is drowning you in a never ending cycle of limitation and I'm here to STOP IT.
If you're desperately seeking more out of life and are looking for a clear path beyond the Ego to realize your fullest potential, then this program is for you.
The Ego is what keeps you stuck, it judges, it nags and it takes you down a path that doesn't serve you.
Trust me, I have taken the longest, most round about path one could ever take. I found myself reliving the same patterns over and over again.
You see, I couldn’t see the patterns before, because I was oblivious to the fact that I was close minded. I had made a habit of rejecting new and different ideas, thus staying stuck. It wasn’t until I went beyond my Ego and saw that the same old thing was no longer working, that I started to gradually open up to new things. Being in an open state allowed me to attract new ideas, new situations, new opportunities I wasn’t seeing before, until I freed myself. I want the same for you, to be free from the chains of the Ego.
Now that I know what the path is, it is my mission to help professional women who are living in restless dissatisfaction get out of their own way and find the “More” they are looking for.
It’s about doing things differently and getting out of stagnant mindsets that don’t work and introducing new ideas and new actions that then lead to new results.
We can’t escape the Ego, but we can learn how to tame it and manage it, so we can create a new reality.
How Coaching Works
3 Month Program: Understanding Ego, Finding Your Truth Intensive
45 mins, + 15 mins support every other week
Unlimited email support
BONUS - post program, monthly 10 minute check in calls for 3 months
Focus Areas: ​
This program will give a foundation with which you can begin your journey of self-discovery and begin to understand and manage the role of ego in your life.
6 Month Program: Limitless Life: Going Beyond the Ego
45 mins, + 15 mins support weekly
Unlimited email support
BONUS - post program, monthly 20 minute check in calls for 3 months
6 Modules:
Ego voice and it’s thoughts
Current thought patterns
Changing the old thought patterns
Acting on the new thought patterns
Navigating the new thought patterns for a new path
Embracing the new way of being
This program is a life-changing, in-depth radical way to develop a relationship with the ego and no longer be controlled by the ego in your day-to-day life.
You will learn to value yourself and others on a new level. This program will guide you to make better decisions, follow your inner guidance system, and allow for the most meaningful versions of your relationships to come forward. You will be introduced to the most authentic version of yourself and proudly step into your best and happiest self. If you ever wondered if it’s possible to truly appreciate your journey through life and find joy in every moment, this is your guide to learn to do exactly that.